The naughty Elf

New Blog Post – Post Christmas on the Authors of Main Street.

Authors of Main Street

I was at my daughter’s house two weeks ago and faced my first snow storm in years. To occupy the girls on a no-school day, their mother decided to start decorating the house for Christmas. Full of energy and enthusiasm the little girls brought up from the basement the many boxes where reeds, trees, socks and other ornaments have been stowed at the end of the previous season.

Suddenly, we saw the nine year old grab a box and stare at the red elf inside it. The smile on her face disappeared to be replaced by a scowl.

photo (2)My daughter grumbled. “Oh, oh.”

“Mom, what is the naughty elf doing here?” Her wrists clenched on her hips, my granddaughter darted accusing glares at her mom. “Mom, you and Dad lied to us.”

My gaze flitting from mother to daughter, I tried to understand the problem.

“Oh God.” Obviously my poor…

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